60 Day Money Back Guarantee

We are confident we sell the very best medicine and supplements at reasonably low prices, and we want you to share our confidence! That's why we back every sale with a 60-day money back guarantee.

ZimSeller money-back guarantee, also known as a satisfaction guarantee, is essentially a simple guarantee that, if you are not satisfied with any of our products, we will gladly refund you anytime within 60 days of your purchase. Please read our money-back guarantee policy in conjunction with our Returns and Exchanges policy, as well as our Lost Order Replacement policy.


100% Satisfaction or Your Money Back

We sell only genuine products that are frequently recommended by Doctors. We never compromise on the quality of our products and that’s where we derive our confidence. Therefore, we firmly stand behind the quality of our products and we are prepared to give you 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. Furthermore;
  • We believe in secure eCommerce and will guarantee the safety of all products that are bought online. 
  • We believe in the efficacy of our products and we never compromise on their quality. 

This is our commitment to you, our dear ZimSeller customer and we will not let you down! But if you have reasonable doubt which leads you to believe that we have not lived up to our promise, please do contact us and we will issue a full or partial refund, depending on the circumstances.

Exclusions from this guarantee

This policy does not cover claims for refunds for parcels that have been delayed, lost or stolen in the post. The terms and conditions to be applied in cases where parcels have been intercepted in the post and/or misappropriated are covered in our Lost Order Replacement policy.


  • ZimSeller reserves the right to reject a refund if the product has been partially or wholly utilized by the customer. In most cases, the remaining items on the unsatisfactory order must be returned to ZimSeller in their original packaging and before their expiry date.
  • We do not guarantee that you will be automatically refunded. The decision to refund is solely at the discretion of ZimSeller Management. All refund applications will be carefully considered and given due merit.

Related Policies

Please read through related policies under the Customer Services menu above.

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