At South African Pharmacy, we strive to deliver essential medications worldwide with efficiency and reliability. Our shipping process is designed to ensure your orders reach you promptly and securely, supported by trusted logistics partners like DHL and DSV.

Shipping Options

  1. DHL Shipping (General Products)

    • Description: DHL offers fast and trackable delivery services for most products available at South African Pharmacy. This option is ideal for customers who prioritize speed and real-time shipment tracking.
    • Delivery Time: Typically, DHL shipments arrive within 5-7 business days to international destinations, ensuring swift access to medications.
  2. DSV Untracked Shipping (Codeine Products)

    • Description: Due to regulatory restrictions, DHL no longer delivers codeine-based products via express shipment. Instead, these products are shipped using DSV Untracked.
    • Delivery Time: DSV Untracked shipping is a reliable albeit slower option, with deliveries typically taking 4-6 weeks to international destinations. While lacking real-time tracking, this method ensures cost-efficiency for codeine-containing medications.

Why DHL No Longer Ships Codeine Products Express

Recent policy changes at DHL restrict the express shipment of codeine-based products. This decision aligns with international regulations aimed at preventing misuse and trafficking of controlled substances. By utilizing DSV Untracked for codeine products, South African Pharmacy maintains compliance with global standards while ensuring the safe and responsible distribution of medications.

Additional Information

  • Packaging and Discreetness: We prioritize discreet packaging to protect your privacy and ensure safe transit of medications.

  • Customs and Duties: International customers are responsible for any applicable customs duties or taxes upon importation, which may vary by destination.

  • Customer Support: Our dedicated customer support team is available to assist with any shipping inquiries or concerns you may have.

Our Commitment

Whether you're ordering general medications or specific codeine products, South African Pharmacy remains committed to delivering high-quality healthcare solutions worldwide. Our shipping options cater to diverse needs, ensuring that you receive your medications in a timely and secure manner. Trust us to facilitate your healthcare journey with efficiency, reliability, and utmost care.